Local charity expands to save more lives

23 May 2022 03:26
Published by: Scott Callan

A charity based in Cheshire have expanded their service to do whatever they can to save more lives.

The charity, formally known as the Cheshire & Shropshire Immediate Care Group, have been saving lives since their inception in 1973. The charity responds at the request of the North West Ambulance Service to provide additional support and expertise on the scene of serious traumatic and medical incidents.

Volunteer Doctors and specialist Paramedics give up their time to respond either from home or as part of a team to bring additional skills to patients who may be critically injured or unwell. These skills may include surgical procedures or providing a pre-hospital anesthetic.

As the team has expanded, it was prudent to change the name of the team to give a better understanding of their work. Their new name going forward will be North West Pre-hospital Critical Care Charity.

Doctor Graeme Spencer who is the Chair of the charity states;

"It is exciting times to see the group go from strength to strength. Traditionally we have predominantly operated and recruited responders from the Cheshire area however, this expansion will allow us to recruit further volunteers in the areas of Merseyside, Manchester and Lancashire whilst still operating in Cheshire. We have had a lot of interest from medical professionals already in these areas but rely on businesses and grants to support our expansion.

It costs just under £7,500 to get a new responder to the point at which they can start responding so any funding is very much welcome.

Perhaps businesses in the community may be looking for a corporate partner to form part of their corporate social responsibility programme? We encourage people to get in touch via our website so we can discuss working together for our patients benefits."

The charities sister organization, the BEEP Doctors already operate in the North of the region and anyone wishing to find out about their work in Cumbria can visit their website: https://beepdoctors.co.uk

For those wishing to know more about the work of the North West Pre-hospital Critical Care Charity, please visit their website at: https://www.nwpcc.charity

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