Why advertise?
We strive to offer our users content in as many ways as possible. Our newspapers are distributed to local shops & supermarkets and are available as a FREE pickup.
As well as this, we offer our users digital content on our website,
iPhone app and
Android app. We also publish our newspaper in
digital pageturning format - on the day our newspaper is distributed!
We have a presence on Social Media with our Twitter Account and Facebook Account
meaning you can advertise your products and/or services to our wide-ranged audience.
Newspaper Advertising
We distribute our free newspaper to local shops and supermarkets. Our newspapers have a 100% pickup rate giving your advert exposure to potentially 49,500 local residents!
If you are interested in newspaper advertising, please call
01204 478810
Digital Advertising
Research suggests that more and more people are online. This means that you could be missing a vital audience by not advertising online.
If you are interested in digital advertising, please call
01204 478810
15,000 Page views
10,000 Sent emails
1,200 App users
11,600 Social media reach
37,800 Potential reach
Other Publications
Investors in Publishing LTD publish the following titles giving you access to a potential reach of over 500,000: