Town Mayor’s Fundraising BBQ a Sizzling Success Despite the Rain!

23 Jul 2019 12:30
Published by: Kian French

Mayor of Knutsford Cllr Andrew Malloy hosted a fundraising BBQ on Friday night to raise money to support the Mayor’s fundraising and 2nd Knutsford Scouts. The Mayor’s fundraising this year is raising money for a Skate Park project in Knutsford and supporting local charitable community sports groups promoting youth activity.

Over 60 guests and families braved the rain for the BBQ kindly prepared and served by 2nd Knutsford Scouts. All the meat, fruit and vegetables came from Edwards and Emmess Butchers and Jonty’s Fruit & Veg in Knutsford Market Hall. The beer from Tatton Brewery went down well on the bar and the guests still drank Pimms despite the grey skies!

Cllr Andrew Malloy said: “I am delighted to have been able to raise over £540 at my first fundraising event. A big thank you to 2nd Knutsford Scouts who manned the BBQ with a team of fantastic volunteers (both young and old!). Thank you also to the Deputy Mayor of Cheshire East and the Mayor of Crewe for attending and to my Deputy Cllr Stewart Gardiner for your help on the night.”

The Mayor’s next fundraising event is a Spanish night at Evuna, taking place on Tuesday 10th September. Tickets are £23 and available from Mayor’s PA Annabel Irvine (01565 653 929).

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